This weekend was the first weekend I've stayed on campus in about a month (more to follow), so after a relaxing sleep (I didn't have to wake up to an alarm!!!) I made breakfast and coffee and sat down to try to catch up on the news abroad.
Anyways. I'm aware that tons of stuff is going on, Alaskan volcanoes, Afghan wars, AIG bonuses (woah, I did not plan that semi-alliteration), but this article in the Boston Globe was really the greatest news of the day (if you didn't click on the link [don't worry, I probably wouldn't have either] the article is called "Obama calls major economies climate change meeting." 'Nuff said).
What a guy, eh? Amid everything that's going on, he's not letting the issue of global warming go away. I have to admit, I would have completely understood if he did. He's got a lot on his plate. But no, he's not. HE'S SO COOL! This is just as important (if not as relevant) as what's going on now with the collapsed economy and such. Because if he doesn't do anything about it, then he'll be the one our children put the blame on. It's almost too late already, but now is better than never (for everyone's sake, I won't get into my pessimistic rant about how there's probably nothing we can do now to change the way our climate is heading....).
So yeah, I just wanted to share that with everyone. Just one of many reasons why our president is awesome. Gosh, it's been far too long since I could say that.
And for those of you that read this for adventures and not for thoughts (probably the majority, hehe) here goes...although this week was pretty boring.
I went to Castle Hill last weekend, again. It was a great trip, again. Nothing can really beat Castle Hill. The thing about last weekend though was that it was the Climbing Club trip of the year. So there were about 45 of us out there and we got to stay in the school-owned field station about 20 minutes up the road. The club also got two guys who are into movie making to come along and film us all day. On top of that there was a 70's themed dress code. Oh man. It was so fun. The station was a wooden cabin with a huge common area and bunk rooms. We got in around 730pm and sat around a fire and drank beer courtesy of the UC brewing society. The committee members cooked us delicious vegetarian Indian food, complete with homemade organic yoguhrt from Yan's (a climbing cluber/geology student in a couple of my classes) dad's farm.

After we had all stuffed ourselves with curry, ice cream and pudding, the games began. Being the climbing club, we only really played climbing games. There was a squeeze box and table manteling. The squeeze box is a wooden box that's about 6 1/2 x 3 x 3 ft with 2x4s crisscrossing and such inside of it. You start on one side and everyone tells you how to get through it (eg go in through the top, go around the side, through the diagonal and back out through the bottom). It's kind of hard to explain without pictures, but hopefully you get the idea. Table manteling consists of starting on top of the table, and going around the underside and back up without touching the floor.
As you could probably imagine, the more people drank, the more interesting it was to watch. I went to bed fairly early, but I heard that people started climbing the rafters and such later in the night.
The next day we went to Flock Hill again.

A majority of the club watching Tim try the 100 tries slab. I didn't try it. This picture is at a weird angle, but his feet are probably at least 8 feet in the air and he still ahs a ways to go. And in case you're wondering, I'm in the back on the right of this picture next to the guy without a shirt.

I can't wait for the video to be completed. If it's not too ridiculously expensive I'm going to buy it. I'm probably not in it, but it'll be a good way to remember this trip.
The rest of this week was pretty lousy and consisted of writing a paper on oil and getting played. But whatever. It's a new week now!
Katie, Paul, Jessie, Brandy, Ryan and Mark all went to Castle Hill this weekend but I thought I'd take advantage of the alone time to get some work done. I have a lab that's due the week after break, but I'm going to try and get it done now, and I also have to find a job. Yuck.
And can you believe that March is almost over? Holy mother. I'm almost half way done. Weird.
Lot's of love to everyone!
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