Thursday (the 12th) was the climbing and tramping club buy night at R&R Sports. Everyone from both clubs were invited to the store after they closed to buy gear that was anywhere from 20-50% off. They served beer and chips and of course, it was a mad house. I managed to get everything I wanted including a sleeping pad, a backpacking stove, a knife and some water-proofer.
On Friday I had a really sweet Field Studies class. We went up into the hills to do an orienteering exercise. I didn't really learn much (I already know how to use a compass and map thanks to Lewis & Clark), but I would happily go to a class that requires me to run around the woods for an hour.
So other than boring school stuff (blechhh, I am SO frustrated with school!), that was my week.
Some thoughts:
I'm starting to really like climbing. Which is good because that's all my friends seem to want to do. I've been going (on average) about twice a week. I still have those days when I really don't feel like going,'s not something I'm obsessed with. Some people are though. I guess there are worse things to be obsessed with, ha. And sometimes I'm even jealous. I wish I could be passionate about something. BUT. So far so good.
Last weekend I went to Castle Hill again. I went with Cliff, Paul, Dylan Katie, Peter and Mark (the last two are kiwi's we met in the climbing club). We drove there on Saturday morning and climbed all day. Unfortunately, I couldn't take any pictures, but here are some of Cliff's.

After a full day of climbing, we drove up the road about five kms and set up camp. I made pasta for everyone, and we looked at the stars and talked until we were ready for bed.
The next day we went to Flock Hill which is similar to Castle Hill but about eight times better. It's on private property, so you have to get permission to go, and it's about a 40 minute approach straight up a hill. Because of these two things, the place was empty. On top of that, it's a lot bigger than Castle Hill so there's more variety. Lastly, the rock is slightly rougher and deformed differently, so the climbing consists of actual holds rather than depending on friction.

This week was again, pretty boring. I haven't had my Field Studies class yet, but it will probably be cool. We're learning how to triangulate on campus. Another class spent outside in the beautiful New Zealand weather!
I guess my other classes aren't that bad, bio and structural are actually really interesting. It's just (and I know I talk about this a lot, but it's always on my mind!) my stupid geophysics class! Ugh! I cannot for the life of me tell minerals apart under the microscope. Nor do I have any desire to learn...we all know my views on oil exploration. Luckily that assignment is pretty much done. I just have to hand it in. BUT! I get to do another huge one on mine feasibility. YAY! It's all based on research though, so it shouldn't be as hard or frustrating. I just dread that class. And I usually leave the lab early because it's my second lab in a row and by that point I'm so tired and unmotivated I can't sit there. The good thing about geo labs though, is that you can always finish them on your own time. So that's what I've been doing. It's probably a lot less efficient, but whatever.
Anyway, enough of that. Just had to get it off my chest. St. Paddy's day, as you all know, was this week. It's probably the one day I wished I could be in Boston. Although it was pretty fun here too. We got all dressed up in our finest green and a group of about 15 of us took the bus down town. The bus was full of kids having a good time and ready to celebrate St. Patrick's to the fullest. When we got to town, we hopped around all the Irish pubs...pretty fun, but not amazing. The only thing of note is that it was so warm here! It was weird celebrating in shorts and a tee shirt. I'm so used to bundling up!
Well, I'm off to power yoga and am sick of writing. I'm going to make a vow to write more often. At least twice a week. Then it shouldn't be so much of a process for me, and I'll actually feel like writing more than lists of what I've been doing. XOXOXOXO
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